General Assembly: UN DESA

This year's General Assembly will be the Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA). In correlation with the United Nations' sustainable development goals, member states will convene to create resolutions that will focus on child and forced marriage and food insecurity in developing nations. This committee will work towards the ultimate goal of promoting the protection of underage children and women in forced marriage sitations and insuring food security for all. In your research, focus on how your country has been impacted and what solutions would impact positive change. 

Topic A: Child and Forced Marriage 

Child and forced marriage remain a dark stain on human rights across the globe even today. Millions of people internationally, mainly females, are made victims of forced marriage; which refers to a marriage where one or more parties are wed against their will. Often this is done to decrease the financial burden of the family, but frequently leads to physical and emotional trauma. Child marriage is subsequently followed by early nonconsensual pregnancies, jeopardizing the health and safety of the birthmother, while also putting the newborn at risk of domestic violence and health risks. These people are forced to leave their promising futures behind to provide for their family, resulting in further dependence on their unwanted spouse. Delegates in this committee will tackle pressing will work towards establishing legislation to evaluate child and forced marriage, protect victims, and outlaw it.

Topic B: Food Insecurity in Developing Nations

Each year, as food prices grow, millions of families across the world find themselves in positions where nutritious food is unavailable. Defined by poverty and hunger, this multifaceted issue of food insecurity is fueled by climate change, a lack of resources, and poor infrastructure; all of which puts the well-being of individuals at risk as they grapple to feed themselves. Due to the fact that organic, protein-rich foods cost visibly higher than non-organic junk foods, lower income people often are forced to turn towards cheaper, unhealthy foods as a way to survive. As a result, health conditions including diabetes and malnutrition appear, endangering their lives. Delegates will discuss countering the rising cases of malnutrition and establish essential legislation to address food insecurity and eradicate it.


Dear Delegates, 

Welcome to WINMUN VII! I hope you are as excited as I am to be here and make this committee as exciting as possible. My name is Gauri Bansal and I am going to be your Chair for the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA). I am a junior at Winchester High School and also on the WINMUN secretariat. I have been participating in Model UN for 3 years now and this club has truly helped me find my passion for public speaking and teamwork. Other than Model UN I also run the Mock Trial team at our school and spend my time on the student government.

During this committee you will use your skills to solve some of the world's biggest problems as you navigate the opinions of others and adapt your solutions to fit the needs of the world.  Model UN is founded on comprehension and research, urging you to leverage the extensive efforts you've invested prior to the conference in comprehending topics, understanding country policies, and more. This approach aims to bring well-informed and inventive solutions to the discussions. While delving into complex topics and addressing intricate problems may seem daunting, I am confident in your ability to do so, and I cannot wait to see the solutions you develop!

Best Wishes,

Gauri Bansal